Dear Beloveds who are seeking a session with me,

I need to ask for your patience and support as I work with some unexpected medical issues. I value and rely on your support, and I may need your help in being flexible around changes to the scheduling of your appointment to help accommodate unexpected changes on my end.

Blessings and Gratitude,

Rev Sue

Dear Beloveds who are seeking a session with me,

I need to ask for your patience and support as I work with some unexpected medical issues. I value and rely on your support, and I may need your help in being flexible around changes to the scheduling of your appointment to help accommodate unexpected changes on my end.

Blessings and gratitude,

Rev Sue

Write Your Pandemic Story and Heal Yourself…

Write your story. Sit with pen in hand and see what mixture of pain and wisdom pours through you. You will surprise yourself. You’ll read it later and weep at your own beauty; at the light of your soul’s truth. At the answers revealed in a moment of quiet contemplation.